Digital image manipulation can be controversial, especially among photography purist because it stretches the boundaries of “photographic truth”. I tend to disagree in most photo disciplines, with the obvious exception of photojournalism that is guided by strict and historical guidelines. I also tend to be an Apple purist, certainly since marrying my “MacHead” wife 16 years ago, so I process the bulk of my images through Apple’s Aperture, tweak them with NIK software’s Color & Silver Efex Pro and finalize the processing with Photoshop. I typically add my touch to 10 – 20% of the images I do for a project, then let the client choose their favorites and I have found that most of my “treatments” are favored. I do believe, as many of my purist friends, that Ansel Adams’s ideas on Previsualization still apply, so in my work I will have an idea about how I will “manipulate” an image before I shoot it to maintain the artistic essence of my process. Occasionally, as with most artists, there are exceptions, but by-in-large, I have a pretty good ideas what I want as a finished product.