Manipulation/Applied Art & other Compositions


Randy B/W portrait printed on Hahnemühle Bamboo paper, colored and enhanced with Prisma Pencils

Will_colored copy

Will B/W portrait printed on Hahnemühle Bamboo paper, colored and enhanced with Prisma Pencils

Photoshop manipulation of 1920's wet plate mug shot from Australia.

Photoshop manipulation of 1920’s wet plate mug shot from Australia.

Photoshop manipulation of scar faced Australian prisoner.

Photoshop manipulation of scar faced Australian prisoner.

Four color posterization of PBR employee @ 2016 PBR Ironman event at AT&T Stadium

Four color posterization of PBR employee @ 2016 PBR Ironman event at AT&T Stadium

Abstract photoshop composition of a rusty window stoop and leaf @ the Omni Theater, Ft Worth, Tx

Abstract photoshop composition of a rusty window stoop and leaf @ the Omni Theater, Ft Worth, Tx

Unmanipulated image of a corroded polymer tank @ an abandoned porcelain toilet factory Kilgore, TX

Unmanipulated image of a corroded polymer tank @ an abandoned porcelain toilet factory Kilgore, TX

Photoshop composition for a late October show @ Artisan's Haven Ft Worth, TX. B&W wet plate image of seated indian and Czech man dressed as a cowboy

Photoshop composition for a late October show @ Artisan’s Haven Ft Worth, TX. B&W wet plate image of seated indian and Czech man dressed as a cowboy

Photoshop compilation of a cell for the criminally insane @ the state mental institution in Terrell TX and Australian incarcerated ladies

Photoshop compilation of a cell for the criminally insane @ the state mental institution in Terrell TX and Australian incarcerated ladies

My 30"x43" B&W photo printed on Hannemühle water color paper then I hand painted the foliage

My 30″x43″ B&W photo printed on Hannemühle water color paper then I hand painted the foliage

My homage to surrealist master photographer Jerry Uelsmann. Joshua Tree Nat'l Park with additions including my oldest daughter Melissa and the combined image of my 2 youngest eyes as "the all seeing eye in the sky"

My homage to surrealist master photographer Jerry Uelsmann. Joshua Tree Nat’l Park with additions including my oldest daughter Melissa and the combined image of my 2 youngest eyes as “the all seeing eye in the sky”

Photoshop playtime with layers, the smudging tool, stitching and painters taken from one of my film photos in Seattle from 1976.

Photoshop playtime with layers, the smudging tool, stitching and painters taken from one of my film photos in Seattle from 1976.

Fellow photog, Adrian and his dreads printed on matte photo paper then painted on top of with Prisma Colors. Maybe best described as a modern day version of an Oleograph.

Fellow photog, Adrian and his dreads printed on matte photo paper then painted on top of with Prisma Colors. Maybe best described as a modern day version of an Oleograph.